For: Accommodation Services

Do you have a holiday rental and need some assistance with knowing your compliance requirements? Information for accommodation services
After a succession of horrific & fatal fires in shared, temporary, short term & holiday accommodation the NSW Government Environmental Planning & Assessment (Smoke Alarm) Regulation 2006 was amended to stipulate smoke alarms in shared accommodation buildings be compliant with all legislation & regulations as set by the Australian Standard AS3786, Building Code of Australia (BCA) & the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (EPPA).
Legislative Standards require all shared accommodation establishments have:
- Correct placement and location of smoke alarms
- Correct and appropriate number of smoke alarms
- All smoke alarms are past expiry date (10 years from date of manufacture)
- Alarms tested annually with both manual test button and simulated smoke
- Alarms have a decibel reading greater than 85
- New batteries are installed every 12 months
Central Coast Smoke Alarm Services Annual Compliance Test include –
- Inspect smoke alarms for secure fitting
- Ensure smoke alarm location complies with EPAA & BCA regulations
- Relocate any existing 9 volt battery smoke alarms to comply with EPAA & BCA regulations to make property compliant
- Replace batteries in smoke alarms that have removable batteries
- Test all alarms for correct operation via manual test button & simulated smoke
- Verify expiry dates on all alarms – replace if past expiry date
- Test alarms for audible notification with sound meter & record decibel reading
- Verify all smoke alarms meet current Australian Standards AS3786
- Record all details & supply a Compliance Test Certificate for every smoke alarm
- Ensure ventilation holes are clear of obstructions
- Bar code each smoke alarm with date of test & next test date
Central Coast Smoke Alarm Services only use & recommend Photo-electric smoke alarms because they are –
- Designed to ‘see’ smoke before it bursts into flames
- More efficient for slow burning, smouldering fires and dense smoke
- Not as prone to be triggered by cooking – statistics show over 25% of ionisation alarms are disconnected due to false alarms
- Contain no radioactive material
- Fire and Rescue Authorities across Australia recommend them
- The Northern Territory Fire Service has legislated only photoelectric smoke alarms can be installed and other states are expected to adopt this legislation
Smoke alarm residential rental holiday property compliance is a mandatory legal requirement under Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010 Schedule & Fair Trading Residential Tenancy Agreement Sections 38 & 39.
The services & systems provided by Central Coast Alarm Services makes your legal obligations easy to implement, achieve & maintain, taking away risk & giving you peace of mind.
Central Coast Smoke Alarm Services is dedicated to bring you peace of mind, excellent customer service with reports & certificates promptly provided in a format convenient to you, complete the services & tests to the highest standard & will remind you when the Annual Smoke Alarm Compliance Test is due for retest. If you require any further information for accommodation services, please contact us.