Smoke Alarm Compliance

Only working smoke alarms save lives, which is why our smoke alarm compliance services are at the heart of our business. We’re passionate about keeping you and your family safe.
From owner/occupiers to landlords, business owners to holiday accommodation – we offer servicing suitable to you.
Read more about about our competitive pricing
Why do I need my smoke alarms tested?

What's included in our Smoke Alarm Compliance testing?
- Test alarms with simulated smoke and the manual test button, replace batteries
- Conduct audible test with sound meter to record a decibel reading
- Replace smoke alarm if reading is <85 decibel
- Ensure alarm(s) location complies with EPPA & BCA regulations
- Relocate alarm(s) if required
- Install additional alarms if required to comply with EPPA & BCA
- Verify expiry dates, replace if past expiry date - 10 years from manufacture
- Confirm alarms meet current Australian Standards AS3786
- Inspect alarms for secure fitting
- Clear ventilation holes of obstructions
- Tag each smoke alarm with date of test and next test date
- File COMPLIANCE TEST CERTIFICATE(s) for each property in agencies dropbox
- Replace battery & test if change of tenanct occurs within the 12 month period
- Change faulty alarms during the 12 month period
- Honour existing agreement with current service provider (as per points above)
- Annual retest reminder service
Which package is right for me?

What are the laws surrounding Smoke Alarms?
Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (EPA)
- Section 146A is 3 pages long. We have conducted a comprehensive review of the legislation to ensure our services meet the requirements
Smoke Alarm Compliance.
- Building Code of Australia Volume Two 2013
- Must comply with Australian Standard AS3786 which outlines the positioning & number of smoke alarms in a residence.
Fair Trading states in the Residential Tenancy Contract:
- Section 19: outlines urgent repairs that are required to be addressed (Smoke Alarms are named as urgent repairs)
- Under Section 38: The Landlord agrees to ensure that smoke alarms installed in the property are installed in line with Section 146A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act
- Sect. 39: The Landlord & tenant each agree to not remove or interfere with the operation of a smoke alarm installed on the premises unless they have a reasonable excuse to do so
Real Estate Institute of NSW – Smoke Alarms (May 2014)
- NSW Fair Trading website including fact sheets titled: “Safety and Security – Information for Landlords” “Repairs & Maintenance” and “Smoke Alarms”
- Schedule 1 to the Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010 (NSW)