For: Landlords
When it comes to smoke alarm compliance, legislation can get a little confusing. Let us help make things a little clearer. Here is some information for landlords
Following the death of a 55 year old man in a rental house fire, Deputy State Coroner issued a harsh reminder to all Landlords. The annual smoke alarm compliance service, maintenance & testing in all residential rental & holiday accommodation properties is the sole responsibility of the property owner
Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010, Residential Tenancy Agreement, Smoke Alarms, Clause 38
The Department of Fair Trading
Smoke Alarm Annual Compliance Testing, Service & Maintenance
Landlords – It’s the LAW & it’s YOUR responsibility.
The Legislative Standards require Landlords of all residential tenancy & holiday rental accommodation properties ensure an Annual Smoke Alarm Compliance Service, Inspection & Test is conducted. This legally required compliance test MUST include –
- Correct placement, location & number of smoke alarms.
- All smoke alarms are not past expiry date (10 years from date of manufacture).
- Alarms tested annually with both manual test button & simulated smoke.
- Alarms have a decibel reading greater than 85 to wake sleeping residents.
- New batteries installed every 12 months & with change of tenancy.
- A Compliance Certificate is issued.

“If a property does not comply with Smoke Alarm Legislation, your insurers have the right to deny cover in the event of a fire – particularly if the fire results in injury or death of the occupants.”
The annual inspection conducted by Strata Management companies is a fire safety inspection of the building. Only 80% of the building needs to be tested to be compliant. Therefore leaving 20% of the building non tested & potentially unsafe. A Smoke Alarm Compliance Certificate is not issued for each individual apartment, therefore isn’t sufficient or comprehensive enough to meet residential tenancy legislation & regulations.
Our $75.00 all inclusive Annual Agreement ensures you are completely protected under all smoke alarm & fire safety Legislation & Regulations.
Is it worth taking the RISK for a tax deductible $1.45 per week?
Smoke alarm residential & holiday rental property compliance is a mandatory legal requirement. (Under Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010 Schedule & Fair Trading Residential Tenancy Agreement Sections 38 & 39).
The services & systems provided by Central Coast Alarm Services ensures your legal obligations easy to implement, achieve & maintain, generally taking away risk & giving you peace of mind.
We are dedicated to bringing you peace of mind and excellent customer service. Reports and certificates are promptly provided in a format convenient to you. We complete the services & tests to the highest standard. We also remind you when your Annual Smoke Alarm Compliance Test is due for retest.
Call today for a FREE quote or to discuss how we can help keep you protected. Central Coast Smoke Alarm services are committed to saving you time and keeping you safe from possible litigation.
Landlord Information Pack (8261 KB)